Study in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

Study in TRNC

The island of Cyprus and, especially, its Northern part – Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus has positioned itself as “an island of education”. We can obviously say it is so: on a small territory there are 13 international universities providing a high quality education on the world standards and for reasonable prices.

The educational system is alike in Turkish Universities, influenced by British one. The duration of Bachelor studies vary from 4 to 6 years depending on the field. Master Degree Programs usually lasts for 2 years; PhD Degree lasts for 4 – 6 years. The tuition fees starts from 3, 000 USD up to 15, 000 USD a year depending on the program. Living cost is almost the same in all the region and makes approximately 300 USD a month. Most of univerities in Northern Cyprus provide foreign students with all inclusive package deals (discounted annual or semester tuition, accommodation and meals packages). Northern Cyprus is a very popular destination for summer camps and language schools.